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Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Teachers' Professional Development: UNESCO Institute for Statistics

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Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: Estimates calculated by the UIS using cross-national learning assessment and estimates reported by the OECD based on TALIS data. The cross-national learning assessments estimates include LLECE 2013, PASEC 2014, PISA 2018, TIMSS 2015.

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Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: The proposed indicator is designed to match SDG 4.c.7 as closely as possible given the sampling design and data collection instruments of CNAs and teacher surveys.

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Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: Data on teachers or the teachers of students that is representative of a grade or level of education which includes whether or not they have participated in in-service teacher training in the past 12 months.

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Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: By sex.

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Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: SDG Indicator 4.c.7: Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training.

Teachers' Professional Development: It is defined as activities that develop an individual’s skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a teacher. Professional development is generally defined locally in the teacher questionnaire. How it is described varies by questionnaire and includes workshops, seminars, formal qualification programmes, observation visits, reading professional literature, among others.

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Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: For data that is representative of teachers in a level of education or grade, the calculation method is the proportion of teachers that have received in-service training in the past 12 months (or time period available in the dataset). For data that is representative of students’ teachers, the calculation method is the proportion of students’ teachers that have received in-service training in the past 12 months (or time period available in the dataset). For cross-national assessments with more than one assessment in the same level of education, the average of the grades is used.

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Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: A higher value implies that a larger proportion of teachers have participated in in-service training. For data that is rerpesenative of students' teachers, the value can be can be interpreted as the proportion of teachers who have received in-service professional development weighted by the number of students taught.


Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: The data from cross-national assessments are typically representative of a specific grade or age while TALIS data are representative of teachers in the specified level of education. In some assessments, teachers were asked whether they had received training in the past 24 months rather than the past 12 months.

TProfD_1..Data source(s) used

<B>Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: </B>Estimates calculated by the UIS using cross-national learning assessment and estimates reported by the OECD based on TALIS data. The cross-national learning assessments estimates include LLECE 2013, PASEC 2014, PISA 2018, TIMSS 2015.<br>

Source metadata

<B>Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: </B>UNESCO Institute for Statistics <br><br><br><br><br><B>Teachers' Professional Development: </B>UNESCO Institute for Statistics<br>

Variables collected

<B>Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: </B>Data on teachers or the teachers of students that is representative of a grade or level of education which includes whether or not they have participated in in-service teacher training in the past 12 months.<br>

Other data characteristics

<B>Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: </B>The proposed indicator is designed to match SDG 4.c.7 as closely as possible given the sampling design and data collection instruments of CNAs and teacher surveys.<br>

Key statistical concept

<B>Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: </B>SDG Indicator 4.c.7: Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training.<br><br><br><B>Teachers' Professional Development: </B>It is defined as activities that develop an individual’s skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a teacher. Professional development is generally defined locally in the teacher questionnaire. How it is described varies by questionnaire and includes workshops, seminars, formal qualification programmes, observation visits, reading professional literature, among others.

Aggregation & consolidation

<B>Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: </B>By sex.


<B>Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: </B>For data that is representative of teachers in a level of education or grade, the calculation method is the proportion of teachers that have received in-service training in the past 12 months (or time period available in the dataset). For data that is representative of students’ teachers, the calculation method is the proportion of students’ teachers that have received in-service training in the past 12 months (or time period available in the dataset). For cross-national assessments with more than one assessment in the same level of education, the average of the grades is used.<br>

Recommended uses and limitations

Interpretations<br><br><B>Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: </B>A higher value implies that a larger proportion of teachers have participated in in-service training. For data that is rerpesenative of students' teachers, the value can be can be interpreted as the proportion of teachers who have received in-service professional development weighted by the number of students taught.<br><br><br>Limitations<br><br><B>Percentage of teachers who received in-service training in the last 12 months by type of training: </B>The data from cross-national assessments are typically representative of a specific grade or age while TALIS data are representative of teachers in the specified level of education. In some assessments, teachers were asked whether they had received training in the past 24 months rather than the past 12 months.<br>