- Sustainable Development Goals
- Other policy relevant indicators
- Other policy relevant indicators (full dataset)
- Classroom teachers and academic staff by sex
- School life expectancy
- Mean years of schooling
- Number and rates of international mobile students (inbound and outbound)
- Inbound students
- Outbound students
- Mobility indicators
- Number of students and enrolment/attendance rates by level of education
- Enrolment by level of education
- Enrolment ratios
- Attendance rates
- Graduation ratio from tertiary education
- Repetition rate by grade (primary and lower secondary education) and number of repeaters
- Repeaters
- Repetition rates
- Out-of-school children, adolescents and youth (number)
- Percentage of graduates by field of education (tertiary education)
- Educational expenditure by nature of spending in public educational institutions
- Percentage of students by programme orientation (ISCED 2, 3, 4 & 5)
- Number of illiterates / Percentage of illiterates who are female
- Percentage of enrolment in private institutions by level of education
- Government expenditure on education (amount)
- Survival rate by grade for primary education
- Population of the official age / school age population
- School age
- Official entrance age
- Official entrance age and theoretical duration by level of education (years)
- Official entrance age
- Theoretical duration
- Start and end of academic school year (month, year)
- Government expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP
- Research and experimental development
- Research and experimental development (full dataset)
- Sustainable Development Goal 9.5
- Target 9.5: Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending.
- Other policy relevant R&D indicators
- Sustainable Development Goal 11
- Sustainable Development Goal 11 (full dataset)
- Target 11.4: Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage
- 11.4.1 Total per capita expenditure on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage
- Cultural employment
- Cultural employment (full dataset)
- Cultural employment by occupation and industry (%)
- Employment in cultural occupations (%)
- Employment in cultural occupations by socio-demographic characteristics (%)
- Employment in cultural occupations by socio-economic characteristics (%)
- Employment in cultural occupations by cultural domain (%)
- Employment in cultural industries (%)
- Employment in cultural industries by socio-demographic characteristics (%)
- Employment in cultural industries by socio-economic characteristics (%)
- Cultural employment by occupation and industry (number)
- Employment in cultural occupations (number)
- Employment in cultural occupations by socio-demographic characteristics (number)
- Employment in cultural occupations by socio-economic characteristics (number)
- Employment in cultural occupations by cultural domain (number)
- Employment in cultural industries (number)
- Employment in cultural industries by socio-demographic characteristics (number)
- Employment in cultural industries by socio-economic characteristics (number)
- Feature films
- International trade in cultural goods
- International trade in cultural goods (full dataset)
- International trade of all goods
- Exports and imports of all goods
- International trade of cultural goods
- Exports and imports of cultural goods
- Distribution of exports and imports of cultural goods
- Exports and imports of cultural goods by domain
- Exports and imports of cultural goods by income group and by domain
- Exports and imports of cultural goods by SDGs region and by domain
- Distribution of exports and imports of cultural goods by country and by domain
- Distribution of exports and imports of cultural goods by domain and income group
- Distribution of exports and imports of cultural goods by domain and SDGs region
- International trade of goods indicators
- Trade balance of all goods
- Trade balance of cultural goods
- Communication and information
- Demographic and socio-economic
